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Voices of Lemuria

Did Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia hook up?

Posted by Alan Lebetkin on

SOLD $14.95 | Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia 1906 Luise Muhlbach Illustrated Hardcover Good Maybe they did in this work of historical fiction? The illustrations seem on the up and up, but you’ll have to read the text to know for sure.By the way, am I the only one who never understood about Prussia? Like are you secretly Russia? When did you exist and where exactly did you go? This whole country sounds made up.

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Is there value in reading the autobiography of an unknown person?

Posted by Alan Lebetkin on

$33.50 | Signed Miles Thornburg The Thread of My Life 1958 Groves Thread Company Baptist Famous people filter their stories through the gravity of their own reality distortion field. If I want to learn how actual people lived in their time I’ll open a book like this one by Miles O. Thornburg.

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Do ad men write the best books?

Posted by Alan Lebetkin on

$44.95 | First Edition It's All Zoo (1968) Gerald Browne Hardcover Dust Jacket Very Good They sure have a knack for voice, and their characters always sparkle.This is the scarce debut novel of Gerald Browne, a mid-century advertising executive at the Grey Advertising Agency in New York. He went on to become a prolific novelist. You’ll see his books all over the place, but you will only find his debut novel at an affordable price at

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What makes a gardener a genius?

Posted by Alan Lebetkin on

$122.50 | Genius in the Garden: Charles Gillette (1992) George Longest Good First Edition When I first saw this book, I thought of my wife working under her sprawling luffah vines in late summer. Who is your gardening genius?

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Are books the most potent psychedelic?

Posted by Alan Lebetkin on

$14.50 | Journey to Ixtlan: Lessons of Don Juan (1972) Carlos Castaneda Hardcover DJ Good Sometimes a book speaks to me and I bump it to the top of my reading list. This was one of them. Carlos Castaneda writes about his apprenticeship with the Yaqui shaman sorcerer Don Juan. This book shifted my perspective. Will it change yours?P.S. Look up the life of Carlos Castaneda and the true crime story of his Los Angeles-based cult. What fun!

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